Are you receiving the Yahoo mail temporary error 2 while using Yahoo email? Have you got panicked to see this error? This temporary error 2 Yahoo mail usually appears as “MailboxOpenFailed”. After this error, you find lots of difficulties due to which Yahoo mail is unable to get load. This error not only causes trouble in loading your Yahoo mail page but also slows down the complete functioning of your PC.
This Yahoo temporary error 2 happens because of a corrupted registry entry. However, this corrupted registry entry can be avoided by doing regular scanning to your PC by using the proper scanning software. Regular scanning will not only stop this temporary error 2 but also going to correct the overall function of your Yahoo mail.
Anyway, this error usually gets resolved after a certain duration of time, but still, you should look over the solution so that you could not find this error again with your Yahoo webmail account. However, if you are frequently getting this error, you can go through the solution steps shown in this blog. So, let’s go through the workaround for Yahoo mail error 2:
Steps to fix Yahoo mail temporary error 2:
- First, look at all of your devices on which your Yahoo mail is open.
- Now, sign out to your Yahoo mail account from every device on which it is open.
- Make sure that you are using the browser supporting your operating system.
- If your browser supports your operating system, you should delete all cache, temp file, prefetch, and history from your browser.
- After cleaning these kinds of stuff, just close your browser.
- Now, again open your browser.
- Now, login to your Yahoo mail account.
After login, if you did not find this error, your error is fixed and you can smoothly use your Yahoo mail account. However, if you are still receiving this error or you are finding trouble while going through the above procedures, you can dial a Yahoo customer technical support number Team. With this support number, you are directly going to acquire help directly with Yahoo techies who have many years of experience in providing a solution for your Yahoo account. These technical support teams are available all day and night, so you are free to reach them at any hour via their Yahoo toll-free number. With their toll-free, you can avail solutions in any part of the world with no trouble.